Who? WCS Jazz Band
When? Thursday, 5/14 at 7:00 pm.
Arrive at 6:30 pm please.
Where? CVU
What to wear? black pants, blue “Jazz Band” shirts.
Please wash and return these by
Monday, 5/18.
Please honor this commitment.
We are a small group and everyone is needed!
Our remaining schedule:
Monday, 4-27- rehearsal 2:50-3:45
Monday, 5/4- rehearsal 2:50-3:45
Monday, 5/11- rehearsal 2:50-3:45
Thursday, 5/14- JAZZ FEST (info above)
Monday, 5/18- rehearsal 2:50-3:45
Wednesday, 5/20- school day concerts-
wear black pants and “Performing Arts” shirt.
Thursday, 5/21- evening concert start time is **5:30
(formal concert dress)
**7th graders- please note that
Jazz Band will play in the 5:30 concert!