Friday, January 16, 2015

Successful trip to CVU!

Our eighth grade musicians visited CVU yesterday. We rehearsed with other CSSU eighth graders and many CVU musicians. We also got familiar with  Mr. Miskavage and the details of the HS band program. 

It was a fun and meaningful way to make music with new and old friends and learn about our opportunities next year. Keep playing those instruments! HS band is even better than middle school!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Congratulations to Ethan!

Did you know that Ethan D is an active and award winning composer outside of WCS? The Vermont Symphony Orchestra will perform a premiere of one of his compositions on Wednesday, 1/21 at 7:30 pm at the Vermont State House. This is huge and we are so proud of you Ethan! 

Please check out these links for further details.