Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Looking for  holiday gift ideas for your band student?
Consider the following:

  • Reed players can always boost their reed supply. (generally speaking, grades 4 and 5 use strength 2 ½, grade 6 uses strength 3 and grades 7 and 8 use strength  3 or 3 1/2) Feel free to check in with Mrs. Thompson if you want some guidance. 
  • reed guard or reed case
  • a music stand for home practice 
  • a collapsible instrument stand. (provides a safe way to put the instrument down when it is not in the case) 
  • padded neck strap for sax and bass clarinet players
  • silk cleaning swab for woodwind players (these last for years- a great investment!) 
  • mouthpiece cushions for sax and clarinet players 
  • CD featuring a musician soloing on your child’s instrument (old school!)
  •  cork grease for clarinet and sax players
  • valve oil for trumpet and baritone players  (something many of our brass players need more of!) 
  • slide grease for trombone players
  • books containing solos for your child to play (be careful to choose an appropriate difficulty level) Feel free to check in with Mrs. Thompson if you want some guidance. 
  • Small electronic metronome 
  • electronic tuner
  • new drum sticks - so many fun styles available! 
  • stick bag for percussionists 
  • mutes for brass players (straight mute is the most practical to start with, but they are all useful) 
  • upgraded mouthpiece for reed players. Feel free to check in with Mrs. Thompson of you want some guidance. Good choices for alto sax are: Selmer C star, Vandoren AL3
           Tenor sax: Vandoren TL3, Fobes Debut
           Clarinet: Vandoren B45, Vandoren M13, or Fobes Debut,
           Bass clarinet: Fobes Debut

  • upgraded ligature (Rovner is great brand) 
  • mouthpiece brush for brass players (to clean those mouthpieces!) 
  • spitballs for trumpet players. (fun way to clean the inside) 
  • mini screwdriver set for woodwind players
  • tickets to a concert at the Flynn or local venue
*If  you order a gift from Ellis Music to be delivered to school (free delivery),
let me know and I will hold it for you and NOT give it to your student.  Kim Thompson

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Friday, October 19, 2018

Beginner Band Demo

Some of our 7th and 8th graders played for 4th graders and shared insight about their instruments and the band program. Their presentation was fun and informative. These musicians did an excellent job demonstrating how rewarding band is both musically and socially. Bravo!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Important Due Dates

5th-8th grade band students have 2 important tasks to complete by Friday, 10/26/18.

1) Order and pay for your t shirt here.  This shirt will be worn at all concerts and field trips and special events.

2) Return the last page of the Performing Arts handbook signed. Handbook

Monday, September 17, 2018


Stage Band will begin meeting after school from 3:00-3:45 on Monday, 10/1 in the band room.

Athletes may participate:

  • On athletic practice days, students attend Stage Band until 3:45 and then head to practice. 
  • On game days, students go right to their team and are excused from Stage Band. 
  •  Communcation is key! Make sure you tell your coach that you are in Stage Band and tell Mrs. Thompson that you are on an athletic team. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

When Does Band Start?

When will Band and Chorus start?
Grades 5 and 6:
Tuesday, 9/4 at 11:50: All students interested will meet in the theater.

Grades 7 and 8:
Wednesday, 9/5 at 11:50- 7/8 chorus begins    
Monday, 9/10 at 7:30 am- Wind Ensemble begins

How do I join?
Easy! You can join when you attend the dates listed above. If you have questions or want to discuss anything beforehand, please visit or send an email to Mrs. Thompson.

What if I’m new to WCS or new to the music program?
Welcome! You can join by following the advice above.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Friday, May 25, 2018

Congratulations 8th graders

Before our amazing concert on Wednesday, we honored our 8th graders. These exemplary kids have left a postive legacy in the WCS band program. Congratulations- you will be missed!

Friday, May 18, 2018

WCS Stage Band

Our amazing WCS Stage Band backstage at CVU before perfoming at the CVSD Jazz Fest!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Flutes Outside!

     We took 5th grade lessons outside this week. Here are some Symphonic Band Flute players playing Beethoven's Ecossaise for Military Band on the gazebo, accompanied by lawnmowers and other outdoor sounds. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

CVSD Jazz Fest is Coming!

Who? WCS Stage Band
When? Monday, 5/14 at 7:00 pm.
8th graders arrive by 6 pm for pizza and a district wide 8th grade rehearsal.
5th, 6th and 7th graders: Arrive at 6:30 pm please.
Where? CVU Theater (musicians meet in the band room)
What to wear? black pants, blue Performing Arts shirt.

Please honor this commitment. We are a small group and everyone is needed!

Our remaining schedule:
Monday, 4/30- 2:50-3:45
Monday, 5/7- 2:50-3:45
Tuesday, 5/8- 2:00-3:00
*Monday, 5/14-2:50-3:45 *Note: rehearsal AND JAZZ FEST this evening
Monday, 5/21- 2:50-3:45
Wednesday, 5/23-WCS concert day. 5th and 6th graders- please note that Stage Band will play in the 7:15 concert!   

Friday, March 9, 2018

March Concert Information

Our March concert is scheduled for Wednesday, March 21 at 7pm.  (Call time is 6 pm.) This is a special 7th and 8th grade concert that celebrates a different theme each year. This year’s theme is music through the decades.
In preparation, students have been empowered to choose their music, rehearse themselves collaboratively in small groups, and make costume and choreography decisions.  
There are a few items all students will need to bring in from home. If you need support in attaining any of these items, please let me know as soon as possible and I will make the time to help.

All Wind Ensemble members need:
black pants and a WCS Performing Arts t-shirt

Additionally, some instrument sections have added on the the following:

Clarinets: one bed pillow with or without a pillow case.

Brass: black shirt

Percussion: black shirt, white shirt (with black tie for guys)